When should you send your child for counselling?

There are numerous indicators when a child is troubled. Sometimes difficult and challenging life events, such as death, divorce or illness can trigger a child to react in a difficult or unusual way. Very often we don’t know what causes the unwanted changes. It may be a result of bullying, anxiety, peer pressure or many other factors.

The emotional or behavioral issues may present as moodiness, aggressiveness, apathy, change in sleep pattern or appetite. Academic performance and social relationships may be influenced. When the dynamics of family life are affected and disrupted, when the child’s regular functioning is disturbed, when you fear that that your child is endangering his health or talking about danger and despair, you will want to consider outside help. (See ‘red flags’ for more information.)

Listen to your instincts. Make an appointment with a counsellor to hear if your concerns are founded. This will help you support your child and family in an informed way.

What are the common fears and worries of parents?

Many parents feel that it is their fault that their child cannot navigate their challenges successfully.  Some think that they have failed as parents.  Parents may feel stigmatised that their child needs therapy.  Most are worried that their child cannot cope with and express their feelings.  What parents want is a happy, confident and successful child.  When they see their child struggling, many fear their child will never achieve these goals.