How does Keshet work?

We use an integrative and humanistic approach to counselling.  We offer play, sand and art therapy as well as regular counselling. After meeting you and your child, we will have an assessment period to determine whether we can help your child. Parental involvement is a crucial aspect to treatment and we involve you, the parents in this therapeutic journey, meeting every six weeks to appraise you of our progress and to hear your feedback and impressions.  We offer support and tools for the family to help the child in his counselling process.  If we find it necessary we refer to and access other professionals.

What you should know about counselling?

Counselling is a practice that takes time.  The counsellor must enter a child’s reality and help him deal with it in a constructive way.  The process may have its ups and downs, but ultimately your child will grow and be nourished by this journey.