When should you seek help or go to counselling?

If you or your family are confronted with situations you can’t cope with such as depression, illness, fear, loss, stress, burnout, or any of the red flags mentioned below, it is important to seek professional help as it’s impossible to solve these on your own.
Below are some of the challenging issues people face. If you identify with some of these symptoms, talk to someone who can advise and support you.

  • Identity issue: not feeling good about yourself, unable to express yourself, indecisive, unable to get your life on track…
  • Eating disorders: insecure about your body and weight, food obsession…
  • Self image: low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, jealous of others, never satisfied with yourself
  • Depression: fed up with life, burnout in school or at your job, lethargic, feeling negative, suicidal ideation…
  • Anxiety: extreme shyness, trouble falling asleep, fears, dependant on others, obsessive compulsive disorder…
  • Processing issues: dealing with loss, insecure relationships, divorce…
  • Relational difficulties: distancing yourself from others, bullying at school or work, feeling hostile or aggressive, attachment issues, unable to stick up for yourself…
  • Developmental issues: Bar Mitzvah, dating/shiduchim, leaving home, loneliness, fear of the future, starting in a new school or job
  • Dependency and addiction: addiction to alcohol or drugs, technology addiction, living with an addicted family member…